Monday 24 June 2013


We are having lunch by the zoo classroom with the ground squirrels! They are trying to get us to share our lunches! We had a great morning learning about the ABC of the zoo, we saw the cougars training session it was amazing! They are training them so they can give them medical treatment through the fence without causing the animals anxiety. We saw Hudson, black bear, snowy owls, lynx, bobcat, bats, snakes, fish, baby musk ox, caribou, Blizzard the white buffalo and peacocks to name a few! Thanks Kinders for helping with the list ;)

Wednesday 19 June 2013


It has been an amazing afternoon. We are at our last event OH CANADA! Tattoos bubbles and skipping!

More tabloid fun...

What an amazing day for outdoor water fun!!
Sure gonna miss this crew!
They are so much fun!

Tabloid fun!!!!

Friday 7 June 2013

Outdoor Learning

When the weather is beautiful there is no better place then outside for reading a good book or writing in ones journal!
Mrs. Prokopchuk saw us outside and paid us a wonderful compliment. She said she could not believe how much more writing we are doing since she saw us in November and how focused we all were! Way to go Kindergartens!

Paper Trees

We can paint, twist, cut, tear, scrunch, write on and recycle paper! Some paper is strong like a paper plate. Some paper is thin like tissue paper. It is not very strong. A tree has roots, a trunk and branches! Can you guess what paper products we used for our paper trees.